The Outfoxed Office

The Outfoxed Office is a virtual space where like-minded, self-driven folks find their fit and inspiration – without giving up their autonomy. Is it for you? Before you continue, please note the following requirements:

  • Self-employed either part or full time
  • ‘Working from home’ in your self-employment (or your local cafe, your latest travel spot, etc. The point is your office is what you make it)
  • Working on your own most of the time (it’s okay if you have other work too, but this is about supporting you in a largely solo endeavour)

We are open to all industries, but we have a particular focus on natural health and the creative arts. You’ll be hanging out with naturopaths, yoga therapists, painters, authors and the like. You can absolutely be a bookkeeper or engineering consultant who embraces creativity. But if you don’t support natural medicine or you feel abstract art is a bit frivolous, this might not be your crowd.

While most marketing advice can be applied broadly, there will be a focus on holistic health and creative industries.

Perhaps you're someone I recognise...

We’re visionaries. Leaders. Independent makers and creators and service providers of excellence. We want to work for ourselves and we have the passion and the power to achieve great things.

But have you ever had those days where you just wish you had a job instead?

I have.

Sometimes, it’s because it would be easier. In a job, it’s okay to have a crappy day where not much gets done, but I still showed up to work. It doesn’t feel like that at home. There’s no downtime. The lines between work and home get blurred.

Sometimes, it’s because I miss having a colleague I could quickly run an idea past or ask a question of. That shared experience and knowledge makes us all better.

On occasion, it’s the lack of accountability. I’m pretty driven, and I will get there, but sometimes it’s good to have someone give you a nudge and say hey, I can hear biscuit packets rustling on your desk. Why haven’t you got your newsletter out yet?

Most often, it’s the camaraderie. My dog is a nice, albeit smelly sometimes, office companion, but he doesn’t much care if I’m frustrated with something or want to celebrate a breakthrough. He’s just here for the pats (and occasional live stream appearance).

I miss being part of a team.

So here’s the idea: an online collective of people who want the best of both worlds: work from home, for yourself, with a team of like-minded people all doing the same (but different) thing. Get things back in focus. Share experience and knowledge. Find some friendly accountability. And this office comes with a bonus: marketing workshops and support.

Do I need marketing right now? Can I just outsource it?

Marketing is so often considered an adjunct to business – a separate thing to do, a necessary evil.

Advertising, maybe, is a necessary evil.

Marketing is everything. It starts when you first begin to shape your business idea. It’s your product design. It’s your service provision. It’s chatting to clients, posting online, sending an invoice, receiving payments. You get up and go to market. Everything you do in your business is a marketing exercise, whether you realise it or not. The key is in how you handle all these things.

The great thing about this is it means you’re already doing the marketing! It’s not another item to put on the never-ending list. A few tweaks to the things you already do may make a big difference. If you’re just starting out, the time to get these strategies in place is right now.

The other benefit of this mindset is you realise you’re not just marketing to others. You’re also marketing to yourself. Are you selling this plan to yourself every day with enthusiasm and verve? Or are you slowly losing interest because you don’t have a good strategy to stay on track?

Here at the Outfoxed Office, we keep each other accountable. We encourage each other to stay the course or change lanes if needed. We learn how to be authentic marketers who love what we do.

Welcome to the Outfoxed Office

How does it work?

You sign up for your chosen level (details below) and will be invited to join The Outfoxed Office Discord server. You will need a reliable internet connection and Discord. Available on desktop and mobile, it’s the platform that will support all our sharing and shenanigans, including video chats. It’s free to install and you can run it on any device.

Then we work – and play! Part of what makes work sustainable is the ebb and flow of productivity. Downtime at work is really important, but it’s so easy to berate ourselves for it when we’re self-driven.

  • Birthday parties! Remember how there used to be cake for morning tea or a shared lunch in the office for birthdays, and now you’re lucky if the cat comes and sits on your keyboard? If it’s someone’s birthday, they get to nominate a time to jump in the voice (or video) chat and whoever’s in the office that day will bring a cup of tea and join in. If you prefer your birthday to slide by unremarked, that’s fine too, just stay quiet!
  • Ongoing general text chat. This can be anything, and we’ll make threads or categories as needed, but it’s a space for sharing ideas, brainstorming, asking advice – whatever you’d normally hassle your colleagues for.
  • Marketing theory, suggestions and support. I’m always researching current trends and love to talk about marketing strategy, so you’ll find a rich channel of discussion where you can search for specific topics or browse and soak up the knowledge.
  • An invitation to bring more creativity and balance into your day. Just like your body needs food and rest, so too does your brain! Nourish it with creative play at our creative sessions.
  • Accountability. Every week, you set a goal, however big or small you wish. Then you check in and update it. If you don’t, it’s carte blanche for anyone in the group to roast you for it! (Or gently remind you to get it done.)
  • Sharing. The camaraderie of the work team is valuable, and it’s so easy to become isolated when you’re a one-woman-band. In our coffee chat, there’s space to share what’s happening in your life, whether it’s pet mischief, kids’ milestones, holidays, home renovations, or a lovely new pair of yoga pants.
  • Flexibility. Be in the office as much or as little as you like. This system works for you.
  • A Christmas party! For the self-employed, the end of year often comes and goes unremarked, and to be honest, I don’t miss the awkward annual gathering of board members mingling with all the office departments, half of whom I was arguing with every other week about budgets and production schedules. But I do miss that feeling of wrapping up the year and celebrating achievements. The Christmas party is a big video chat and will usually be at 1pm AWST on the Friday of the second-last week of work for the year.

A bit about me

Since this is a pretty exclusive club, you probably know who I am. I’m Kel: author, artist and dabbler in natural medicine. I’ve pursued a varied range of interests and study that has led me here! But what I’ve found all my interests have in common is this: a need for authentic marketing skills.

The formalities:

  • Bachelor of Arts in English & Creative Writing, with study in film, art and design
  • Graduate Certificate of Business Administration, with study in marketing, communication and effective leadership
  • Diploma of Management
  • Dru Yoga Teacher Diploma
  • Certificate IV in Massage Therapy Practice, with study in natural medicine
  • Certificate IV in Small Business Management

Behind these quals is years of experience with a focus on small enterprise in performing arts and a lifelong interest in natural wellbeing. I tried to run my own service business in my early twenties and learned what a tough gig it is. I failed then, although in a way, I succeeded too. I walked away from it for the relative security of a job. But I came back, because for those of us with the vision and the drive, it’s almost inevitable. So here we are…

Let’s be awesome foxes!

Choose Your Level

We’re all at different stages and have varying needs – and budgets. Choose the level that most suits you. Please check the Terms & Conditions before purchasing.

You will be redirected to Discord upon payment. Ensure you sign in (or create a Discord account) when prompted. If you lose this link or have any problems, please contact us with proof of your purchase.

Casual Fox


Casual Foxes get access to The Outfoxed Office Discord Server: text and voice chat with channels for birthdays, general and work discussion, brainstorming and marketing. Perfect if you’re on track with everything but are feeling a bit isolated.

  • Access to The Outfoxed Office Discord server text and voice channels, including general chat, work chat, accountability and celebrations
  • Marketing theory and advice
  • Support to be creative and find your balance
  • Invitation to the end-of-year online party in December (1pm Friday, AWST, second or third week of December)

Flying Fox


Take flight! All the benefits of the Discord server, plus a monthly group video workshop where Kel discusses marketing and helps you tackle challenges head-on. This is the place to be if you’ve got big plans and an idea of where you’re at, but could use some tips and support along the way.

  • Access to The Outfoxed Office Discord server text and voice channels, including general chat, work chat, accountability and celebrations
  • Invitation to the monthly live video workshop (45 minutes) at 1pm AWST on the last Friday of the month (excluding December)
  • Marketing theory and advice
  • Support to be creative and find your balance
  • Invitation to the end-of-year online party in December (1pm Friday, AWST, the second or third week of December)

Committed Fox


If you’ve got vast dreams but aren’t sure how to make them happen, here’s your ticket. All Casual and Flying perks, plus a monthly one-on-one consultation with Kel where you get exactly what you need, whether you’re at the early planning stages or knee-deep in strategies and need some help untangling the process.

  • Access to The Outfoxed Office Discord server text and voice channels, including general chat, work chat, accountability and celebrations
  • Invitation to the monthly live video workshop (45 minutes) at 1pm AWST on the last Friday of the month (excluding December)
  • Invitation to the end-of-year online party in December (1pm Friday, AWST, the second or third week of December)
  • Marketing theory and advice
  • Support to be creative and find your balance
  • Every month, a one-on-one, one-hour video consultation (via Discord) with Kel Fox on a business or marketing topic of your choice

Terms & Conditions

Proceeding with payment via the links above constitutes acceptance of these terms.

The TOFO server operates under a set of rules you must agree to. They are detailed in the server for your reference. Should you be banned for breaking these rules, your subscription will be terminated and you will not receive a refund.

  • Always be kind and respectful
  • No political discussion of any kind
  • Keep comments and conversations relevant
  • No self-promotion or advertising

Fees & Refunds

No exchanges or refunds.

You may cancel any time, however fees apply for one month or part thereof. Fees apply regardless of your level of engagement or presence on the server/at workshops.

Subscriptions are non-transferable.

It is your responsibility to ensure you keep your billing details up to date.

Discord has community engagement policies that you must adhere to. Refunds are not available if you are prohibited from using the service.

You are responsible for maintaining your access to the service.

Live Events

Workshops and events are live and not recorded.

It is your responsibility to schedule your consultation (DM Kel in Discord to arrange).

One-on-one consultations must be booked at least one week in advance. Consultation hours are 12pm – 7pm Monday – Thursday, and 12pm – 4pm Friday – Saturday, AWST.

Consultations can be rescheduled up to two workdays ahead. Cancellation within 48 hours or failing to show will forfeit your consultation for that period.

Consultations cannot be rolled over. Failure to schedule or attend your consultation will forfeit the consultation for that period.